Lakeside Darkroom (LKSD) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) dedicated to celebrating and honoring women photographers from across the globe and throughout history. Established in August 2022, LKSD serves as an analogue darkroom where women practitioners are recognized as pivotal figures in the promotion and advancement of photography as an artistic, educational, and empowering discipline.
At LKSD, our primary focus is to provide a feminist, safe, comfortable, and empowering learning environment for practitioners of all levels. We believe in creating a space where everyone is treated equally and can appreciate analogue photography from a professional standpoint. Our ethos revolves around collaboration, sharing, experimentation, and embracing mistakes as valuable learning opportunities.
Lakeside Darkroom
Lakeside Centre, Bazalgette Way, SE2 9AN, London, England
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Last edited: 4/11/2024